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All sessions include guided practices that are also available for at home practice.

Family at a Beach
Individual/Family Services
  • Individual Mindfulness Session 
    Develop practices tailored to specific goals. Sessions include breathing practices and a variety of mindfulness strategies that accessible to you anytime, anywhere. 
    (50 minute sessions)

  • Family Mindfulness Session
    Build  mindfulness skills and organizational patterns designed for families to support living with more mindfulness and connectedness.
    (50 min
    ute sessions)

  • Mindfulness Breathing Session
    Practice specific breathing techniques to energize and relax. 
    (60 minutes)

  • Minute Mind and Body Awareness Sessions
    Learn breath techniques, simple mindful movements/yoga and simple meditation techniques for relaxation that can be practiced for any length of time - even on the go. (50 or 75 minute sessions)


Group Discussion

All group programs receive materials to support new content learning and guidelines for practices.

  • Mindful Grieving
    During this six-week journey, you will learn how to talk about feelings associated with grief and be offered the opportunity to be cared for and supported to attend to grief. 
    The format for the class will be the same each week and include, a weekly theme, journaling, sharing, centering, and gentle yoga to integrate and shift personal insights.
    (6 week class, 2 hours per class)

  • Mindfulness Meditation Home Practice Development â€‹
    Learn key elements to support personal practice and establish habits to support on-going consistency.
    (60 minut

  • Mindfulness in Nature
    Using the 5 senses, experience Nature as an accessible and enjoyable way to bring a shift in perspective to your life.
    (60 minutes / 120 minutes)

  • Purposeful Pauses Workshop 
    Cultivate tools to pause and recalibrate with presence during the day.
    (60 minutes)

  • Mindful Art Journaling
    Enjoy connecting with yourself more fully through a simple technique of art journaling with Cray-pas and gentle yoga to support the expression of your intention and wisdom.
    (120 minutes)

  • Mindfulness Retreats
    Practice a wide variety of guided meditations in the sitting, lying, walking, and standing postures to strengthen clarity, presence and relaxation for the immediate moment
    and beyond.
    (3-6 hours)

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class + Half Day Retreat
    Experience the benefits of mindfulness and practicing in community.  Multiple styles of meditation are learned and practiced with mindful movement offered at each session.  Participants come away from  this 8 week class recognizing a shift within themselves towards more peace and the establishment of a  regular meditation practice.  (8 week class, 2 hours per class with one 5 hour retreat in the surrounding location of the class)

  • Mindful Eating Class
    Use mindfulness techniques to tap into the body's nourishing wisdom.
    (4 sessions
    , 45 minutes)

  • Microhabits for Mindfully Managing
    Managing details, multiple schedules, course work, responsibilities and deadlines can create a sense of overwhelm. However, with a little bit of mindfulness combined with cultivating simple micro-habits, shifts happen.
    (1-4 sessions, 45 minutes)

  • Tailor-made Mindfulness Workshops
    Customize your mindfulness programs to meet the needs of your company, group, or program.

Team Meeting
Businesses and Institutions
  • Interactive Mindfulness Speaking Engagements
    Inspire and facilitate  positive growth mindset based in mindfulness research and practices

    • 'Purposeful Pauses in the Workplace for Enhanced Well-Being'

    • 'Mindfulness  for Focus, Clarity, and Presence in the Workplace'

    • 'Mindfulness and Mindset'

    • 'Managing Mindfully: How the Oxygen Mask Theory Applies '

  • Professional Development 
    Deliver customizable presentations to support positive organizational outcomes.

  • Consultation + Collaboration
    Design opportunities for wellness such as mindfulness and yoga within  the workday.

    *All multi-hour engagements may include chair yoga

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